Mon, 2 May 1994 22:58:40 +0200 (MET DST)

Well some say that FIRST,CERT,CIAC are a pack of ...(sorry I am eating
right now so this goes away). I guess that you have to take those groups for
what they are and not put the blame on them. 

I would like to know a few things about CERT(I know part of the answers
but well let's play candid). I would like to know what objectives do have
cert in regards of their potential(workforce, material, budget).

I just want to remind all of you from the network admin to the simple
lowely user adminsitrating his sun on his desktop, CERT was created
in a period of time where there were around 200k hosts on the Internet.
in the past years the growth of internet has followed an exponential curve.
Have the teams like CERT or FIRST have had their growth rate following the
one from the numbers of connected hosts? What is the status of CERT and
FIRST within the liability generated by the disclosure of sensitiv 

If you have a firefighter brigade and that its operation range would
grow, wouldn't you provide it with more material more personnal so that
it can fulfill its duties succesfuly. IMHO CERT has nor the human 
resources nor the means to actually reach succesfuly its goals, so maybe
it would be good that they reconsider their objectives or even that the 
first at a larger scale does that...

I think that CERT,FIRST do a good job within a certain domain, but that
they are not anymore able to reach the goals that were basically setted.


K. Saouli


This text does not engage in anyways ETHZ nor the math department nor any
company I work for. This text is relflecting only my views.

Karim Saouli					Math Department of the
System administrator				Swiss Fed. Inst. of Tech (ETHZ)
		 				Room: HG G 14.2
S-Mail: HG G 14.2				Email:
	ETH Zentrum				Phone: ++41-1-632-2230
	CH-8092 Zurich				FAX  : ++41-1-252-3401